Tuesday, October 1, 2013

H family 2013

This year my friend, Taffee, came along with me to take pictures of this AWESOME family!  It was so much fun, I loved having help and someone to ask their opinion and on and on!  And to top it off she's a GREAT photographer with fun ideas.  We headed out to her families farm and snapped some fun shots.  Here's some fun ones she captured:
 I love these ones with the kids in the background so much!

 She got these boys to pose so fun and crazy and be themselves, I love it!

 Here are some that I got of the family and the kids individuals.  What a beautiful day!

I love this wide open space feel.  Such a pretty place!

Thank you H family!  And Taffee!  That was so much fun!


  1. BEAUTIFUL Jenni. I LOVE you photos. Thanks for making me apart of your blog... I feel SO SPECIAL!

  2. Oh my goodness, what an adorable family. Beautiful pictures my Jenni!

  3. Thanks so much, BOTH of you! You always do such an amazing job--which I'm sure is difficult with getting our six little personalities to smile at the same time! Lol :) I love them!
